IT'S OVER: Yellen Says "No Recession!" BUT U.S. Economy In Free Fall Collapse

Yellen Declares “No Recession!” Despite U.S. Economy Plunging into Free Fall

When you hear Janet Yellen declaring “No Recession!” it may seem hard to believe as the U.S. economy plunges into free fall. Yellen Declares “No Recession!” Despite U.S. Economy Plunging into Free Fall Introduction Hey there, my savvy investors! Picture…

Russia To Punish G7 Economies And Militaries - Cutting Away Critical Materials The West Needs

Russia’s Retaliation Against G7 Economies and Militaries: Disrupting Supply of Vital Materials

Our blog post delves into Russia’s recent retaliation against the G7 economies and militaries, focusing on the disruptive impact on the supply of vital materials. Introduction Hey there! Today, we’re diving into the high-stakes world of international relations and economic…

As Russia Freezes Major EU Bank Assets, U.S. Threatens Countries Trying To De-Dollarize

Russia Freezes Major EU Bank Assets: U.S. Warns Countries Against De-Dollarization Efforts

As I dive into the latest global economic developments, I am struck by the recent news that Russia has frozen assets of a major EU bank. With the U.S. issuing warnings against countries’ efforts to move away from the dollar,…

Economic Danger: IMF Slams The U.S. Over China, WARNS Of Cold War Fragmentation

IMF Warns of Economic Risk as U.S. Criticized for China Relations: Navigating Cold War Fragmentation

As you delve into the complexities of navigating Cold War fragmentation, it is essential to heed the recent warning from the IMF regarding economic risks amidst the U.S.’s criticism of its relations with China. IMF Warns: Navigating Global Economic Risks…

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