As Russia Freezes Major EU Bank Assets, U.S. Threatens Countries Trying To De-Dollarize

Russia Freezes Major EU Bank Assets: U.S. Warns Countries Against De-Dollarization Efforts

As I dive into the latest global economic developments, I am struck by the recent news that Russia has frozen assets of a major EU bank. With the U.S. issuing warnings against countries’ efforts to move away from the dollar,…

Desperation: U.S. Solar War To Backfire Badly, EU Drops Subsidy Bombshell To Save Germany

US Solar War Desperation Leads to Backfire as EU Announces Subsidy Changes to Support Germany

As you read through the latest developments in the US solar war, you may find yourself taken by surprise as the EU steps in with subsidy changes to bolster Germany’s position. Introduction In a bold move to escalate the already…

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