WARNING: Argentina To Dump BRICS For The US Dollar?

Is Argentina Abandoning BRICS in Favor of the US Dollar?

I have been deeply observing the recent developments in Argentina’s economic landscape, and it is crucial for me to delve into the topic of whether my country is gradually drifting away from BRICS and leaning towards the US Dollar as…

What If America Defaults? - The Doomsday Scenario

What If America Defaults? – The Doomsday Scenario

What if the United States defaults on His debt would it cause the next Great Depression and improve the world economy Right now there's a Titanic battle going On in Washington with the debt ceiling And we have Janet Yellen…

Canada Has ZERO Gold Reserves - This Is A Big Mistake

Canada Has ZERO Gold Reserves – This Is A Big Mistake

Almost every central bank today they own Gold from the United States to China and Russia there's a global understanding That gold is true money and it is the Ultimate store of value and for the last Decade central banks…

Gold Will Return As Money - The Unthinkable Will Happen!

Gold Will Return As Money – The Unthinkable Will Happen!

Now gold is going to return as money It's just a matter of time we are living Through the ultimate fiat currency Experiment and we can see where that has Gone on us to a world of never-ending Inflation and…

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