Russia and China Thwart U.S. Plan – Biden’s Ongoing Warnings to Iran and $100 Billion Inflow

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I, as a proficient writer, am thrilled to present the introductory paragraph for my blog post regarding the captivating topic of Russia and China successfully thwarting the U.S. plan while delving into President Biden’s continuous warnings to Iran and the astounding $100 billion inflow. Let us embark on this insightful journey together as I shed light on the intricacies of this international affair.


In this article, I will discuss the escalating crisis in the Middle East, with a specific focus on the recent actions of Russia and China in thwarting the United States’ plan. As tensions continue to rise, the UN finds itself in chaos, and the world watches anxiously for a resolution.

Heading 1: The Middle East Crisis Escalates with No Resolution in Sight

Subheading: America’s Resolution on Gaza Vetoed by China and Russia

The crisis in the Middle East has reached alarming heights, leaving the international community deeply concerned. The ongoing violence between Israel and Palestine has resulted in the loss of numerous innocent lives and widespread destruction. In an attempt to address the situation, the United States proposed a resolution at the United Nations, calling for a pause in the hostilities. Unfortunately, this resolution was vetoed by both China and Russia, adding further complexity to an already volatile situation.

Heading 2: America’s Resolution Calls for a Pause, Not a Ceasefire

Subheading: The World’s Desire for a Ceasefire

The United States’ resolution, which called for a temporary pause in the conflict, was met with criticism from various nations. Many countries, as well as the UN Secretary General, expressed their desire for an immediate ceasefire. While America’s approach aimed to de-escalate tensions gradually, it did not align with the majority of the world’s plea for an end to the violence.

Heading 3: Chaos at the United Nations

Subheading: Israel’s Standpoint vs. the UN Secretary General’s Perspective

The United Nations, meant to be a beacon of diplomacy and resolution, finds itself in disarray as Israel and the UN Secretary General clash over the handling of the crisis. Israel defends its actions as necessary for its national security, while the UN Secretary General appeals for an end to the violence and protection of civilians. This discord deepens the divide and hampers efforts to find a peaceful resolution.

Heading 4: U.S. Support for Israel to Solidify Influence

Subheading: Political Motivations in the Middle East

The United States’ steadfast support for Israel is driven by various factors, including the desire to solidify its influence in the Middle East. With its historical alliance with Israel, the U.S. sees an opportunity to strengthen its geopolitical position and maintain dominance in the region. However, this support has drawn criticism from those who believe it impedes unbiased mediation and jeopardizes peace.

Heading 5: China and Russia’s Motives

Subheading: Expanding Influence in the Middle East

China and Russia, both major global powers, have their vested interests in the Middle East. By vetoing America’s resolution, they aim to assert their presence and increase their influence in the region. Russia’s motivations may extend beyond the Middle East crisis, considering its ongoing conflict with Ukraine. Meanwhile, China sees the opportunity to bolster its economy and expand ties in the Middle East, securing crucial resources for its development.


The ongoing crisis in the Middle East has taken a dangerous turn, with the actions of Russia and China exacerbating tensions. The UN finds itself in chaos, torn between conflicting perspectives on how to resolve the conflict. As the international community watches anxiously, the need for a swift and peaceful resolution becomes increasingly urgent.


  1. Why did China and Russia veto America’s resolution on Gaza?

China and Russia vetoed America’s resolution on Gaza to assert their influence in the Middle East and promote their geopolitical interests in the region.

  1. What does America’s resolution call for?

America’s resolution calls for a temporary pause in the hostilities between Israel and Palestine in an effort to de-escalate the situation gradually.

  1. Why does the UN Secretary General argue with Israel?

The UN Secretary General appeals for an end to the violence and protection of civilians, while Israel defends its actions as necessary for national security.

  1. What is the motive behind the U.S. support for Israel?

The U.S. supports Israel to solidify its influence in the Middle East and maintain dominance in the region.

  1. What are China and Russia’s motives in the Middle East crisis?

China aims to build its economy and increase its influence in the Middle East, while Russia’s motives may extend towards its conflict with Ukraine.

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