Strategic Land Investment Versus Stock and Bond Markets – A Comparison
Investors are looking outside of stocks, bonds and REITs for better returns. But the alternatives, real assets such as strategic land, defy apples-to-apples comparisons.
Reasons Why the Time Is Right for Land Investments
Now May Be the Golden Moment for UK Land Investments. Key economic factors including population growth, a housing shortage and a recovering economy can lead to rapid land asset value growth. Almost everyone in the UK with assets to invest has some experience of buying built property. Whether in London or Manchester or Cardiff, the suburbs or the countryside, we are familiar with how to price comparable residential properties, how to estimate what needs to be spent to upgrade the property and what growth potential exists in a particular home and its surrounding…
How the Localism Act Can Affect Land Values
Land Investment in the UK Can Be Affected By the Localism Act 2011. The decentralisation of decision-making relative to land use, as provided in the Localism Act 2011, might help or hinder land investors’ return on investment. The Localism Act 2011 is, like any piece of sweeping legislation, both prized and pilloried, depending on whom you discuss it with. It is welcomed by many in its intent, which includes providing residents the power to initiate local referendums.
Do Real Asset Funds Make Sense in the Current Economy?
Real asset funds in land offer advantages not found in market-traded securities. Current economic conditions in particular provide distinct value growth opportunities.