HOW TO AVOID BEING SCAMMED IN 2023 – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

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What are the three big mistakes Investors can avoid from being scammed In 2023 during this recession Uh number one you have to listen to People that are financially free from Investing anybody that's too aggressive With you and approach usually is not a Best for you number two when I say do Your own research I want to Define that So I want you to watch at least 20 Episodes of Market Mondays I want you to Go look at the earnings of the company For the last five years and then after That I want you to go talk to 10 family Members of friends and ask if this is a Good investment we have to do a better Job at also calling out those who don't Know what they're talking about Because I feel like all of a sudden they Saw this show get hot and they know it's Like well my version of podcasting isn't Working so now I'm going to come Here and try and do this and replicate I'm like you don't know how to even open Up your checking account like how the Hell you got an investing show

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