Elon versus Apple so uh he has said that Apple has threatened to withhold Twitter From the App Store Um but they won't tell him why he's also Tweeted uh the Apple has mostly stopped Advertising on Twitter do they hate uh Free speech in America building a Company Of immense value at scale is incredibly Hard I do love that he's sharing these Challenges that he is facing Um to choose to go to war with apple Will be a death sentence Zuckerberg Chose to wage war against Apple it is a War he has not won apple is not a Empire That you are able to face so with him Trying to run SpaceX Tesla all the other Ventures that he has at one time this Isn't the war that he wants to fight Sometimes you have to play nice to build Your cash reserves to then be able to Make the moves that you want to Apple's Going to win this war
ELON VS APPLE – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap