ELON PLANS TO LAY OFF 75% OF TWITTER – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

Forex GOLD Investor

So Elon plans to lay off 75 of Twitter Um this will make the company Better or Worse what do you think I think it's a Brilliant move I think Twitter has been Too comfortable with not having to Perform as a result those that are there And that remain They are going to have to bring a Tremendous amount of value because if The company's been flat pretty much Eight to ten years If everyone's comfortable and we see it A lot in tech companies Um they're especially when interest Rates were at zero people were hiring Too much I'm calculating this lunch Probably costs 15 million dollars a year Though Where have these resources could have Gone I think yeah um this is a smart Move and they're not the only tech Company that needs to lay off

Forex GOLD Investor

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