What are the top 10 investment lessons Of this year regardless of what industry You're investing in you have to look at The top four in that space and don't Deviate I know we want incredible gains To the upside and sometimes we want to Gamble into space but when the drawdown Hits us and some companies are like down 85 90 that's not fun to go through Number four Please write this down please stick with Your press process no matter what anyone On Earth tells you I remember when I was telling everyone Twenty thousand was coming in Bitcoin And what seemed like these crazy prices And ethereum and what if Michael Saylor's fund Potentially went under I don't want Mike's fun to go under but It's at a level where I'm worried about margin could Be called pretty soon if we have one More event that's pretty bad for him
DON’T DEVIATE FROM THE TOP 4 – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap