Pain For You, Bailouts For The Banks | This Crisis Isn't Over!

Pain For You, Bailouts For The Banks | This Crisis Isn’t Over!

So the Federal Reserve DF raised Interest rates by another 25 basis Points and we are now at 4.75 percent And this is going to put more pressure On an economy that's cracking and it's Going to be more pain…

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz On What Makes People Happiest - Retire Sooner

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz On What Makes People Happiest – Retire Sooner

A lot of things that make it tend to Make people unhappy are things you kind Of have to do in the maintenance of life So working it for example uh this is Kind of depressing working was the Second…

Get Ready for Hard Times - Buying Gold

Get Ready for Hard Times – Buying Gold

Get ready for hard times it's something That I've heard said before it sounds Pretty ominous it's a little bit like Prepare for the worst it's not really Meant to be that the worst is coming or Hard times are…

Data On Parenting From Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - Retire Sooner

Data On Parenting From Seth Stephens-Davidowitz – Retire Sooner

You have data around making us a good Parent and I don't even know how you how Do we even measure how what do you say Is good how to even measure that yeah so That's another area where I…

The Unvarnished Truth Of What Humans Really Want With Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

The Unvarnished Truth Of What Humans Really Want With Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

Coin Shop Owner Exposes TRUTH About Silver and Gold

Coin Shop Owner Exposes TRUTH About Silver and Gold

Everything Just Changed for Gold & Silver - Watch What Happens

Everything Just Changed for Gold & Silver – Watch What Happens

China & Russia Just Launched Their Great Reset | Multipolar World Confirmed!

China & Russia Just Launched Their Great Reset | Multipolar World Confirmed!

5 Side Hustles to Quit Your Job with Passive Income (Retire Early)

5 Side Hustles to Quit Your Job with Passive Income (Retire Early)

In order to quit your job you need to Replace your income source with passive Income it's difficult to do this with Investments but it's a lot easier to do This with a business or side hustle get Started with…

Is THIS the END? The Future of Banking & Gold

Is THIS the END? The Future of Banking & Gold

Bank failures fednow and Central Bank Digital currencies these are fun topics But don't worry we're not going to go Off into the weeds we're not going to Talk about the scary things that might Be out there we are…

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