3 STEP FORMULA FOR TRADERS IN 2023 – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

Forex GOLD Investor

What is a three-step Formula Traders Need to use in 2023 to have more wins This year uh number one you need to Figure out what stop loss for what You're trading is in a Range that won't Be hit so I know a lot of people like Looking at average true range average True range isn't the best Way to formulate this but it's a good Place to start Number two you have to learn to trade More size and take less trades at some Point you have to learn to put some Position size on your options on your Swing trades and on your features Because what good does it do to trade Two shares two Futures two options Contracts at some point you need to get To a baseline of like 30 or 50 where if You have a win it can have like an Astronomical impact on your trading and Then it also allows you to be more Patient to wait for the right deals and Number three you have to find a way to Get your drawdown less to two percent Per trade

Forex GOLD Investor

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