10 Valuable Lessons From Dubai: Insights Shared in EYL’s Market Mondays Video

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We are thrilled to share with you the 10 valuable lessons we have gathered from Dubai in our latest blog post. In a recent Market Mondays video by EYL, we had the opportunity to gain remarkable insights into Dubai’s thriving market and business scene. Join us as we delve into the key takeaways and lessons learned from this vibrant city’s entrepreneurship and economic success. Embark on this journey with us as we explore Dubai’s unique strategies, innovative approaches, and remarkable achievements that can inspire and empower entrepreneurs worldwide.

10 Valuable Lessons From Dubai: Insights Shared in EYL’s Market Mondays Video


In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, networking and solid relationships are crucial for success. Building connections and understanding how to add value to conversations is key. Recently, in EYL’s Market Mondays video, we gained insights from Dubai that taught us valuable lessons. From meeting influential people like Meek Mill and Anthony Anderson to experiencing a different culture outside of America, Dubai offered us a fresh perspective. In this article, we will share the top 10 lessons we learned during our time in Dubai.

Lesson 1: Networking and Relationships

Networking and building relationships are essential in both business and life. When we invest in cultivating a strong network, doors of opportunity open wide. In Dubai, we discovered that deals are often happening in silence, and conversations about them are handled discreetly. This taught us the importance of forming solid connections with influential individuals.

Lesson 2: Adding Value to Conversations

Understanding the room and knowing how to add value to conversations is a valuable skill. In Dubai, we had the privilege of meeting Meek Mill and Anthony Anderson. We learned that contributing insightful thoughts and ideas helps us stand out and leave a lasting impression. By actively listening and providing thoughtful input, we can establish ourselves as valuable contributors in any discussion.

Lesson 3: Gaining New Perspectives

Being outside of our familiar surroundings in America allowed us to gain fresh perspectives and ideas. Dubai, with its vibrant culture and thriving business environment, showed us new ways of thinking and approaching challenges. Stepping out of our comfort zone and embracing different cultures expands our minds and widens our horizons.

Lesson 4: Embracing Different Cultures

Dubai’s culture is known for its focus on family, business, and innovation. Immersing ourselves in this culture allowed us to understand the importance of these values. Learning from how different societies approach life and work is invaluable. Embracing cultural diversity enhances our ability to connect with people from all backgrounds.

Lesson 5: Being Adaptable

Being adaptable to any environment is crucial in order to succeed in different settings. Dubai taught us the importance of being flexible and open-minded. Adapting to new customs, norms, and expectations helps us fit into any room we enter. Cultivating the ability to adjust to different circumstances allows us to thrive in diverse situations.

Lesson 6: Networking over Stocks

While financial investments are important, we learned that proper network cultivation is even more valuable. Building strong relationships with influential individuals can open doors to opportunities that no stocks or investments can match. The connections we make along the way form the foundation for our success. Investing time and effort into our networks will yield higher returns in the long run.

Lesson 7: Silence and Discretion

Dubai taught us that deals are often happening in silence, and conversations about them are carried out discreetly. It is crucial to respect confidentiality when discussing business matters. Being trustworthy in handling sensitive information not only strengthens our network but also ensures long-term credibility and success.

Lesson 8: Focus on Innovation

Dubai’s culture emphasizes innovation and technological advancement. Witnessing this constant drive for progress inspired us to embrace innovation as well. By staying at the forefront of emerging technologies and trends, we can continuously adapt and stay ahead of the curve.

Lesson 9: Embracing Entrepreneurship

Dubai’s thriving business environment encourages entrepreneurship. The city’s supportive infrastructure and willingness to embrace new ventures motivated us to take risks and pursue our entrepreneurial dreams. Dubai taught us that with determination and the right support system, we can turn our dreams into reality.

Lesson 10: The Power of Dreaming Big

Finally, Dubai showed us the power of dreaming big. The grandeur and ambition that epitomize the city inspire us to set bold goals and strive for greatness. By pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones and envisioning a bigger future, we can achieve remarkable success.


Our time in Dubai provided us with invaluable insights that we will carry with us throughout our lives. From the importance of networking and adding value to conversations to the significance of embracing different cultures and being adaptable, Dubai taught us valuable lessons. By implementing these lessons into our own lives and businesses, we can strive for excellence and achieve our goals.


  1. How can networking and relationships contribute to success in business?
  2. What did we learn about adding value to conversations in Dubai?
  3. How did being outside of America in Dubai provide us with new perspectives?
  4. Why is being adaptable important in different environments?
  5. Why is proper network cultivation more valuable than stocks?
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